Intense ensemble performances
Thought provoking
See it if:
You're up for an emotionally intense, affecting & raw but ultimately cathartic drama about cancer with an unusually brilliant female cast.
Don't see it if:
No reason not to, unless honest & heartfelt emotion onstage disturbs, cancer is too close or recent, or you really need a linear timeline.
An at times difficult yet welcome conversation about cancer—dealing with it, living with it, dying of it, surviving it—this Ghost Story is more than worth seeking out for its amazing female cast.
Randa Karambelas, Elissa Klie and Chelsea Smith deliver terrific performances and are all in—present, intense, totally convincing; their give and take, in-the-moment honesty and controlled emotional chaos ricocheting from stage to audience and back again remarkable and heartbreaking. And clear; you might never think about cancer the same way again.
Though not a stitch is dropped, there's a lot of nakedness onstage in this emotionally intense and truthful production, Big Spoon, Little Spoon proving once again that some of the best & strongest work in the city quietly goes on in the Off- Off- companies all around us. This is more good work by a fearless and gutsy, socially conscious company that should be supported and seen; by all means, go.